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Tip Tuesday: Make Daylight Savings Time a Breeze with NuBryte Smart Lighting

Sure, you’re excited about the longer days, and the promise of spring soon approaching, but let’s face it, you’re not a fan of the dreaded Daylight Savings Time change. And that probably has something to do with having to drag your kids out of bed every.single.morning. Or maybe it’s because it’s 8 p.m. and they are not winding down anytime soon.

NuBryte can help! With built-in smart lighting features like Bedtime & Wake-up Mode, you can make going to bed, and getting up, a little easier for the entire family (because you need a little help getting up in the morning too).

Here’s how it works. You set the time you want your kids to go to bed in the NuBryte App, and their bedroom lights will start dimming about 10 minutes before bedtime. Letting them know that it’s time to calm down and get ready for bed.

You can also schedule their wake-up time from the App, and have their lights automatically (and gradually) start coming on 10 minutes before they need to get up. Mimicking a natural sunrise, it’s much easier to wake-up. Say goodbye to a dark room with a blasting alarm. And no more having to go in your kids room every 5 minutes to wake them up!

Ready to get started?

Step 1: Visit the NuBryte App on your phone, and select the orange Lighting feature.

Step 2: Select the Lighting Modes to enter your wake-up times.

Step 3: Press on Wake-up to enter your desired wake-up time, and select the room that you want to schedule it for. Hit On.

Step 4: Now, enter your Bedtime for each room, and hit On once again to activate.

All done! Enjoy a more peaceful wake-up and bedtime routine thanks to your NuBryte Smart Lighting!

What other ways do you use your NuBryte? We’d love to hear all your tips and tricks! Send us a note to

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